Who is IIJ, what kind of IPv6 services offered? One of the very first commercial ISPs in Japan (and probably one of the biggest) Operational since 1992, IPv6 since 1998 Connectivity services 2001:240::/32, 3ffe:8020::/28 IPv6 tunnel service - since 1999 IPv6-only leased line service - since 2000 IPv4/v6 dual stack leased line service - since 2001 Commercial service, not experimental Other services Web server hosting, with IPv4/v6 dual stack support Data center with IPv6 connectivity IPv4/v6 router "SEIL" Consultation - help people design IPv6 network Participate/contribute to KAME, IETF and others KAME: IPv6 stack for BSDs (*BSD, MacOSX, and routers)