ESD ESD's Saturday meeting

$Id: saturday.html,v 1.27 2002/10/03 01:31:12 itojun Exp $

LogoESD / ESD in Japanese / Saturday meeting / Preliminary exploration / Wednesday meeting / Newyear meeting / Free software / mirror servers

What is "ESD Saturday Meeting"?

We, ESD visit good restaurant in tokyo area every Saturday. Restaurants we visit are basically in Tokyo area, and serve ethnic foods. ESD stands for "Engel's coefficient improvement committee", or "Eat, Sexy and Debug".

We are very proud that we will celebrate our 600th meeting in April 2001, and the continuity of the meeting since October 1989. As of April 2001, we have visited 590 different restaurants in Tokyo area.

We have bunch of pictures, address and phone#, critics on our Japanese page. We have no time (and no ability) to prepare English critic page, so please enjoy just picts if you wish. Pictures are pasted on critics for each date; you can go to those pages by clicking on the date on the list.

As you've read in ESD introductory page, we survey good gadgets too. Pictures on the saturday meeting reports are usually taken by consumer-use digital camera, which is one of the most exciting gadget in these days. Recently we mainly use Ricoh DC-2L/2E, NEC "Picona" PC-DC200 and Hitachi MP-EG1 for reporting our saturday meeting. We use Sony DCR-PC7 digital video camera too.
We have been using Casio QV-10, Casio QV-30, Ricoh DC-1, Fujifilm DS-7 and EPSON Colorio CP-100 extensively in the past reports.
We've tried Casio QV-100 (recalled version), Olympus C-400L, Kodak DC25 (test version), Ricoh DC-2E(test version) Sega "DIGIO" SJ-1, Sony DKC-D5PRO and Minolta Dimage V too.

Our report pages are Y2K complient:-).

The following pages are written in Japanese. Contact itojun or ESD manager for details.